About KMCC

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Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre (KMCC)

is a socio-cultural, educational and charitable entity involving Malayalee Diaspora across the globe and it has strong presence in almost all countries where Keralites live. KMCC, as an International Organization is one of the oldest and largest groups in Kingdom of Bahrain since 1977 serving the interests of expatriates from the State of Kerala by its humanitarian and philanthropic activities. KMCC stands for communal harmony, peaceful co – existence, tolerance, inter and intra cultural exchanges.

KMCC Bahrain was started by the name CHANDRIKA READERS FORUM
as a Readers forum of a newspaper published from Kerala, a state of
India, and later changed to a Modern Structural Organization by the name KERALA MUSLIM CULTURAL CENTER BAHRAIN (KMCC) with a vision
to create a platform for the expatriate community of Kerala to make theirlife easy and compatible with the tradition and culture of the host country. Since majority of the expatriates are uneducated and poor it was essentialto educate them to avoid illegal activities within the host country and finding good job opportunities.

Throughout the years KMCC witnessed the unprecedented growth in
the ever-increasing strength along with multi activities. By its selfless
services towards the welfare of the expatriate Indians in Bahrain,
regardless of caste, creed, and religion KMCC acquired an
envious position among the Indians living in the Kingdom

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KMCC was founded with an aim to serve, within its capacity, the under privileged and the needy in the island. The fundamental objective of KMCC Bahrain is to educate men and women of Keralite expatriate to enable them to lead a better life.

Our Mission & Objectives

Strength of more than 25000 supporters gives us the courage to take up the various challenging activities to the betterment of society, especially among Keralite living in Bahrain.In addition to our humanitarian & relief activities, we regularly conduct many other activities to help the society which includes KMCC organizes blood donation camps twice in every year at Salmaniya Medical Complex and BDF where about 200 – 300 members participate in this noble cause. We maintain a 3000 member blood donors directory who are available 24 hours when required. 

Free medical camps and health awareness classes are conducted in various labour camps and other parts of the Kingdom. KMCC initiates regular visits to hospitals where the community members are left unattended and offer assistance for their treatment and other requirements. KMCC takes a major role in repatriating the bodies of deceased expatriates under the guidance of Indian Embassy in the Kingdom

Classes are conducted frequently for members properly guiding them in their career and to cultivate the habits of savings and financial discipline. Awareness programs are held to educate the expatriate community to respect and honour the customs and values of the host country and mould them to be better citizens abiding the rules and regulations of the Kingdom.

KMCC has lined up a number of innovative programs and projects with a view to ‘giving’ back something to our host country. Let us hope that we will continue to receive the patronage and respect from one and all in the years to come

Meet the team

KMCC Bahrain Committee & Board members